Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Take A Look At My Puppies, and other stuff


Yesterday was Mischief & Mayhem's 5-month birthday. It was also the day I took away their manhood. Yep, they were neutured. They are doing really well and I don't know how I'm going to be able to restrict their exercise and movements for the next 7-10 days. The boys act like nothing happened and are still try to play rough house. Oh, Mayhem is the puppy with the one ear up, one ear down. Chances are that his ears won't stay that way but we are secretly hoping they do. It's such a cute look for him.

Counting down the days to our yard sale. Most everything is priced and I've managed to borrow a couple of tables from co-workers. I have to pick up a couple more from my folks, and my hubby has to get a few from his boss's church. Tomorrow I'm going to the newspaper office to place the advertisement and I have to make and put up signs. We are keeping the girl home from school Friday to help us. I know, I know - bad parenting, right? Please keep positive thoughts that the rain stays away and we have a successful turnout so that we make lots of money. It's for my boys fence, you know.

Trying to reconnect with my brother. I've managed to go visit him 2 Sundays in a row. It's been nice. Of course, this last visit I managed to piss my mother off with a comment I made about her getting Alzheimer's. She said it hurt her feelings. Long story short is that if she brings up the subject again to me, I've got a few things to say to her that I didn't feel the need to repeat in front of an audience.

The Elections stuff - I'm really not happy with either of the candidates. I don't want to NOT vote so it's looking like it's the lesser of two evils. Now I just have to figure out who that is. So many things about the candidates and their VP choices scare me.

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Anonymous said...

They are so cute and I love their names! I'm glad you are getting to see your brother....

MarshaCF said...

Your boys are adorable! I hope you have a great yardsale and they get a new fence!!

Me said...

They are so cute! I love that ear that's down, but you're right, it probably won't stay that way. I had a dog once whose ear did that, but it eventually stood up straight. I just wanna come over there and cuddle them!

Beth said...

The doggies are adorable! I grew up with Scottish Terriers (the black cousin of Westies) and we loved them! Give them a hug for me. How did your yard sale go?

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Cute dogs!!

... I saw your comment at Janices blog. Very insightful.
I am not trying to create political tension, but it does seem that what really happened with Fannie Mea is being overlooked.

Just wanted to pop in and say hello

Eric, "SpeedyCat"